As part of its program to support community programs, the Rotary Club of Port Fairy (RCPF) has teamed with other Warrnambool-based Rotary clubs to sponsor students' attendance at the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) to be held in January 2025. This will be the second time the club has joined this collaborative program.
For the 2025 NYSF program, four students have been selected to attend the two-week forum in either Canberra or Brisbane. The RCPF will be donating $2000 towards the collective program. These funds money, along with support from other Rotary clubs, will be shared equally betweem all four students.
The selected students, all in Year-11, were in attendance at the Club's meeting at the Star of the West hotel on 7th October, where they were invited to talk about their personal background and their future career aspirations. Although their initial interest spanned studying at university in Physics/Chemistry or Medical Science, the NYSF program will undoubtedly help them fine tune their tertiary study preferences.
In attendance were:
Calder Nicholson, Bella Clifford, Rachel Waterhouse (all from Warrnambool College) and Bailey Else (Braeur College).
Local program coordinator, Brooke McLeod (RC of Warrnambool), was also in attendance and gave a brief overview of the NYSF program as well as a summary of the recently completed Science & Engineering Challenge held at Deakin University.
Club President, Andrew Long, thanked the students for their attendance and wished them well in their endeavours.

Brooke McLeod gave a short presentation to the Rotary Club members.

(L-R) Calder Nicholson, Bella Clifford, Bailey Else, Brooke McLeod and Rachel Waterhouse