The Rotary Club of Port Fairy recently distributed $13,336 back into community projects from monies it accrued from its 23/24 fundraising efforts.
Rotary clubs are obliged to distribute all fundraising monies raised back into community projects and the $13,336 was covered by the $15,302 raised from fundraising in 23/24.
The remaining balance of $1,996, at 30th June 2024, will be carried over into the next Rotary year to support secondary students attending the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) to be held in Canberra in January 2025.
In addition to the $13,336 distributed in 23/24, the Club also provided $2,000 for the 2023 NYSF program, with these funds coming from profits made at the 2022/23 District Conference held in Port Fairy. It was the wish of then District Governor, John Clue, that surplus monies from the Conference be used on promoting youth programs.
Adding to our direct monetary support to local organisations, the Club's members also donate "in-kind" by providing volunteers for local events including the Murray to Moyne Cycling event, the Port Fairy Marathon, Port Fairy Folk Festival, the Port Fairy Jazz Festival and the Port Fairy Spring Music Festival.
The Rotary Club of Port Fairy is proud of its support of community projects - whether they be truly local projects or international programs.
A part of this year's distribution was a $1,000 donation to the Port Fairy Consolidated School to help start their "Fresh Fruit Friday" program. This amount matched the monies also provided by the Port Fairy & District Community Bank for this initiative.
A full list of this year's distribution is depicted below.