Richard Hodgens, the Moyne Shire Council's Environmental Officer gave a very informative presentation to members of the Rotary Club at its Dinner meeting held 14th August.
The Club has worked pro-actively with Richard over a number of years in regard to weed control, tree planting and maintenance and the cleanup of litter and other rubbish along Skenes Road between the town and the Golf Club.
Richard, who has been in his role with the Council for just over 8 years provided members with a view of where the Council's environmental management budget is allocated with the major task involving weed control, roadside flora maintenance, oversight of special reserves, beach access points and efficiency improvement programs in regard to lighting such as the LED lighting exchange program, other reduction programs for Council utilities and fostering carbon offset programs against the Council's fleet of 69 vehicles. Some special budgeted programs include the Avenues of Honour, Peterborough's Coastal Erosion monitoring and the Port Fairy East Beach sea wall upgrade.

He outlined some of the 2017 projects which involved Charles Mills Reserve, revegetation of Battery Hill Reserve and new garden beads on Railway Place.
Rotarian, Hester Woodrup, thanked Richard for his informative presentation and presented him with a small gift in recognition.