Rotary Annual Painting Raffle - winner announced.
The Rotary Club of Port Fairy finalised its annual Wilma Preston Painting Raffle on Saturday 27th January 2024 with the drawing of prize winners taking place at the Community market in Port Fairy.
The winner of the 1st Prize (Wilma Preston painting) was Liz Kenna of Port Fairy.
See photo of Liz below pictured with husband Brian showing off their new painting.
The 2nd prize winner ($40 Rebecca's hamper) was Bronwyn Davies of Port Fairy.
This is the 11th year that the club has conducted this raffle and, in all, well over $10,000 has been raised to support Rotary projects. This year, the raffle made a net profit of around $920 after costs.
The Rotary Club of Port Fairy is indebted to the on-going support of local artist, Wilma Preston, who donates a painting each year for the raffle.